About Rhubarb Farm

A horticultural-based environmental social enterprise, based in Langwith, on the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border, providing services to:
the unemployed
recovering drug and alcohol misusers
young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
excluded school students
people with learning disabilities
people with mental and physical ill health
ex-service personnel
older isolated people and people with dementia.
We use the therapeutic organic horticulture model for developing skills, confidence and employability, and for improving health and well-being. We grow fruit and vegetables organically and keep poultry for eggs.
Our services include:
Production of weekly veg bags for local customers
Health promotion through green gym activities
Exciting environmental and Vegetable Growing sessions for school/educational visits
Corporate Challenge Days for businesses, local and central government and voluntary organisations' staff teams
Men in Sheds Project on site
Garden Maintenance Team
Winter pig-keeping
Pre-loved Rhubarb Shop
Rhubarb Farm is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. We can arrange corporate volunteering days or special events at weekends. Contact the office to discuss on 01623 741210.