Learning disabilities
For people with a learning disability Rhubarb Farm can be the ideal place to find a purposeful role in society where they are accepted for their skills, knowledge and abilities in a welcoming environment.
They get involved in the whole variety of tasks and activities in the same way as all Farm volunteers do. This might be sowing seeds, transplanting, digging, weeding, harvesting, looking after the hens and pigs, making crafts, cooking, doing woodwork, preparing for events or being part of the garden maintenance team.
All those with learning disabilities who come to the Farm find this more fun than sitting in a day centre playing Bingo because they are part of a mixed community and making a social and economic contribution to the enterprise.
Referrals can be made by families, social workers and support workers: email Debbie Martin, Volunteer Coordinator, debbie@rhubarbfarm.co.uk or telephone 01623-741-210 to arrange a visit.
Most people with learning disabilities will use their personalised budget to fund their placement at Rhubarb Farm because of their support needs. Rhubarb Farm employs 9 support workers to provide high levels of support for a variety of needs and abilities.
A waiting list may be in operation because of high demand for places - a reflection of Rhubarb Farm's success in supporting people with learning disabilities.

Singalong in the Forest School barn
Volunteers Steve, Bec and Will laying paths under hen supervision!